Day 19
Sun May 20, 2001
Us again !

Today we went to Mt. St. Helen then turned and headed to Porland, Orgon, then east to Pendleton, Oregon.

Well as you can see we turned for home and have racked up over 3800 miles. We're still about
600 miles from Salt Lake and have got to be there Wed to fly out.
We better get there a little early cause it's going to take a day to clean this car out. Three weeks of
junk in it. I think we killed the new car smell in it.

This was Mt St Helen Fall of 79, before it blew it's top.

This is 20 Years later. In the foreground is a new Lake Cold Stream. Spirit Lake in the first picture
was buried under 500 ft of mud. The mud hit it with such force that the water was sloshed out and moved
the lake 3 miles east where it is today. This was no little mountain. It was over 8000 ft tall and now
it's highest point is just over 6000 ft.
I never realized that it was in such a remote area.

The amount of earth blown out of this mountain would bury all of Seattle to the depth of over 500 ft.
It blew with the force of over 250 atom bombs and was heard over 700 miles away.

Life is coming back after 20 years.

The stumps still stand snapped off like twigs by over 700 mph winds.

The new trees are now starting to push through the over 250 sq miles of blown down timber.
It's like the Grand Canyon. The immensity of the whole thing is to hard to photograph. . . . . .

Well on to Oregon and making the turn for home.

Traveling down Rt 5 we can see MT Hood, tallest mountain in Oregon at 14,250 ft.
One of the things we missed in Oregon was Creater Lake. It is about 200 miles south of
here. It's at about 8000 ft but the neat thing about it is that it is the deepest lake in the world at over
6000 ft deep. You can forget an anchor in that lake.

Traveling along the Columbia River on rt 84 we passed Multnoman Falls. If there was not a 1000 people
there we might have stopped.
Well we landed here in Pendleton Oregon for the night.

Prilly & Ralph

Day 20

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